Mastopexy (Breast Uplift)
As we age and as women, our bodies go through pregnancy and breastfeeding, the position of the breasts can change. Typically the nipple and areola sits level with the centre of the upper arm but this is not always the case as we age, have children and gain and lose weight. These factors in combination with a loss of elasticity and volume can result in drooping of the breasts, along with descending of the nipple and areola and the nipple may even point downwards.
Unlike breast augmentation or reduction, mastopexy surgery does not seek to change the size of the breasts. It is designed to simply return them to their natural, youthful and better positioned shape. The skin has often lost its elasticity so the surgery is performed through removing sections of the loose skin and then reshaping the breast tissue on the inside. Often uplift surgery is combined with augmentation to return some fullness to the breast but this isn’t always necessary. It can be discussed with you if you’re considering enlargement as well as reshaping, to see whether it is a good option for your situation.
Mastopaxy is something that many younger women consider because the procedure my not interfere with breastfeeding and therefore they could go on to have more children and breastfeed them if they wished. However, an uplift does not mean the breasts will continue to main their shape and they may begin to lose shape and droop again for the same reasons as mentioned before.
Are you a suitable candidate for Mastopexy?
You could be considered a suitable candidate for mastopexy if:
- Your breasts do not feel like they are the right shape for yourbody
- Clothes do not fit comfortably around your breasts
- Your breasts point downwards
- Your breasts are lacking in firmness and elasticity
Preparing and Recovering from Mastopexy
After your consultation and when you have asked all questions and had your worries and concerns dispelled, your procedure can be booked. Breast uplift and reshaping procedure requires a general anaesthetic and usually an overnight stay in hospital.
Most patients are able to return to work in around two weeks and return to driving within a week. Most patients can also begin exercising with a month too. Bear in mind these are general guidelines and each individual case is different.
Please contact us today to find out more information, discuss your personal situation and arrange your initial consultation.
Plastic Surgery Consultation
To find out more or book a consultation please get in touch with us today.