Over time, through lifestyle and as we age, fatty tissues build up on our flanks, our lower abdomens and thighs in women and the abdomen, chest and flanks in men. The removal of this fatty material is usually carried out through liposuction. The procedure works through the usage of a tube and a cannula which is attached to a powerful vacuum.
Liposuction used to be only possible with large cannulae but the process has become more sophisticated and thinner and smaller cannulae can now be used for easier, more effective and more controllable removal of the fat deposits. These procedures should not and are not considered a replacement for weight management and it is not a substitute for a healthy diet and exercise. The focus is specific fatty deposits and pockets of fat which may not be shifted even with an intensive exercise as well as dieting regime.
Where on the body is liposuction performed?
Liposuction can be performed on many different areas of the body including:
- Flanks
- Abdomen
- Buttocks
- Inner and outer thigh
- Hips
- Knees
- Upper arms
- Back and shoulder blade area
- Neck
- Chin
These are just some of the areas where it is possible to have liposuction to help remove excess fat which the body is struggling to get rid of. Liposuction is often paired with other procedures to return parts of the body to their best. When looking at the abdomen for example, liposuction may be partnered with an abdominoplasty to remove areas of excess skin as well as fatty deposits.
Preparation for Liposuction
The liposuction procedure does require some preparation and you will need to take time off work to recover in most instances. Most people have their liposuction performed as a day case or with a single overnight stay. Most people should take around a week’s rest from work and only begin light exercise after about 2 weeks. This may differ from person to person and is something you can discuss on an individual basis before confirming and booking your surgery.
Every patient undergoes a full consultation so they understand and are comfortable with their surgery plans, preparation and aftercare. Any questions will be answered and we work to ensure all your worries are dealt with.
Please contact us today to discuss your surgical options and arrange a consultation.
Plastic Surgery Consultation
To find out more or book a consultation please get in touch with us today.