To book a consultation at Olaya Plastic Surgery please contact Mr Hussain’s private secretary, Sue Worth, on:

Tel: 07957 030 991






Nuffield Health Hospital, Newcastle
Clayton Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Rake Lane
North Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE29 8NH

Double Chin Correction

For many people, what is most commonly known as a double chin can be very frustrating and upsetting. What actually constitutes a double chin differs from person to person but anyone unhappy with their appearance and suffering self-confidence issues because of this feature can consider double chin correction and surgery.

Many of the people who seek double chin correction have the following features, which are usually genetic:

  1. A recessive chin
  2. Excessive fat in the neck area
  3. A lax platysma muscle

Having any of these issues could be enough on its own for you to want corrective surgery and this is something you can talk through with your medical team.

Are you a suitable candidate for Double Chin Correction?

Patients with any combination of the above features may be considered suitable for double chin correction surgery. Unlike some surgeries, it is considered suitable for patients under the age of 40 who may not yet have a laxness in the skin of the face or neck.

Often patients over the age of 40 may be considered for facelift surgeries rather the double chin correction, but this again is something you can discuss on an individual basis.

Preparing for Double Chin Correction Surgery

Alongside treating and correcting a double chin, fat is often removed from the cheek too, from the area known as the Buccal fat pad. It can help to thin the face alongside minimising the double chin.

When you visit the surgery, you’ll be able to discuss all of the surgeries you are considering and each can be assessed. Double chin correction surgery is usually performed under general anaesthetic and this is something you will go through when you discuss your surgery plans.

Within a couple of days of the surgery you should feel a reduction in swelling but it may take up to four weeks for your features to fully return to normal, or your new normal as it may be! It is recommended you avoid all exercise for at least two weeks.

Any questions or concerns you have about the surgery can be discussed at any time to ensure you are ready and prepared for the process. If you are not considered suitable for double chin correction then there are many other procedures which can be discussed with you to help you achieve the results you’re looking for.

Please contact us today to arrange a consultation and look at the options available to you.


Plastic Surgery Consultation

To find out more or book a consultation please get in touch with us today.