To book a consultation at Olaya Plastic Surgery please contact Mr Hussain’s private secretary, Sue Worth, on:

Tel: 07957 030 991






Nuffield Health Hospital, Newcastle
Clayton Road
Newcastle upon Tyne

Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Rake Lane
North Shields
Tyne and Wear
NE29 8NH

Arm Reduction

Arm reduction surgery is a popular choice for people who want to get rid of the excess fat and skin which hangs under the arm and is sometimes described as ‘bat wings’ or just wings. The procedure removes the hanging flesh to give the arms a more natural look. Arm reduction surgery is an option for people who have lost the elasticity in their skin, which could be due to weight loss or ageing. Liposuction of the area is also an option but usually only performed if the skin maintains its elasticity and is fairly tight.

Are you a suitable candidate for arm reduction surgery?

Every potential candidate has a full consultation before being considered for arm reduction surgery. You may be considered a suitable candidate if:

  • You would like your arms to look slimmer and are unhappy with their size
  • Your upper arms are not in proportion with the rest of your body/arms
  • You struggle to wear certain styles of clothes
  • You have lost weight and it has left you with excess skin which you are unhappy with.

Arm reduction surgery is a consideration in all these circumstances and in others, so it is always worth getting in touch to discuss your personal circumstances and see which option is best for your needs.

Preparation and recovery from arm reduction surgery

You will have a full consultation and the chance to discuss any concerns or questions before your surgery is arranged. You can also discuss any element of your arm reduction surgery with our team before the procedure to ensure you are at ease.

Arm reduction surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia but in most instances patients can go home the day after the procedure is performed. It is recommended you do not drive for a week and you may need up to two weeks off work too. Exercise should be avoided for around a month too, but all of these recommendations depend on your individual circumstances.

Arm reduction surgery does leave a scar but it will be positioned on the inner aspect of the arm to make it least visible. It may extend as far as from the top of the arm to the elbow and the quality and visibility of the scar depends on the individual. There is the risk it may become raised and red but often they settle well and fade naturally within a year of the operation.

Please get in touch today to discuss your needs and arrange your initial consultation.



Plastic Surgery Consultation

To find out more or book a consultation please get in touch with us today.